Friday, May 10, 2024

D.N.S. Poem: "Annual Dream"

I dream
Once in a blue moon.
But whenever I do?
It's all about you.

You jerk.
You witch—
You beautiful bitch.
You are the scratch I can never itch.

I dream of forgiveness.
I dream of bliss.
I dream of mischief
While leading you by the wrist.

You listen.
You forgive.
We fucking frolic
And I finally live.

But you're still you
Through and fucking through
'Cause in last night's dream?
You told me not to say 'I love you.'

Nothing could be more you...

Except the part
Where I wake
And your heart remains
Filled with hate.

I don't accept my fate.
My annual dream has gotta mean
More than just a psyche's scream.
There's gotta be more for you & me.

I'm so sick of wait and see.
But I fucked this up twice before.
No goddamn more...
Not until I leave my next book at your door.

You whore.
No matter what's in store?
I love you more.
See you in my dreams.
-10:23 AM, 12/13/2023